Tue, 25 Nov 2003 17:40:20 GMT
The poor bastards who will impeach Clinton but cling to Bush.
“The president ought to be ashamed”.
Former Sen. Max Cleland blasts Bush's “Nixonian” stonewalling of the
9/11 commission, his “lies” about Iraq, and his flight-suit photo op on
the USS Lincoln after “hiding out” during Vietnam. [Salon.com]
Former Sen. Max Cleland blasts Bush's “Nixonian” stonewalling of the
9/11 commission, his “lies” about Iraq, and his flight-suit photo op on
the USS Lincoln after “hiding out” during Vietnam. [Salon.com]
There are two US national scandals in this piece:
- The president and his administrations handling of 9/11 and the war in Iraq.
- The big media companies spinning things for their pals in the administration.
For Iraqi's wondering about an American style democracy handed to them,
at gun-point, by America I can't help but think they are
sceptical. And who could blame them for voting for an Islamic
I also think it is shameful that Clinton can be impeached for lying
about having sex with an aide whilst Bush and his cronies lie &
disemble daily, imprison without trial, dismantle America & sell it
(where do you think all this money is coming from to fund your war?)
and reap the profits.
“For shame!” It makes me angry to think about it.
[Curiouser and curiouser!]