
Journals Edited:
Learning Inquiry 2007-2009 With Jason Nolan

Journal Special Issue’s Edited:

2012 Cultures of Virtual Worlds. ed. by Jeremy Hunsinger and Adrienne Massanari. New review of Hypermedia and Multimedia. Taylor and Francis. London, U.K

2010 Learning and Researching Virtual Worlds. ed. by Jeremy Hunsinger and Aleks Krotoski. in Learning, Media, & Technology. Taylor and Francis.London, U.K.

2009 Learning Infrastructures in the Social Sciences and Humanities ed. by Jeremy Hunsinger in Learning Inquiry Springer, The Netherlands

2005 Less of you, more of us: The political economy of power in virtual communities. ed. by Jason Nolan and Jeremy Hunsinger. in ACM SIGGROUP Bulletin

Journal Special issues that in part deal substantively with some of my work:
Special Issue: ICTs and Society – A New Transdiscipline? in tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society

Editorial Boards:
International Journal of Internet Research Ethics
International Journal of Illich Studies
Triple-C: Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society

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