
Jeremy Hunsinger holds a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Studies from Virginia Tech. He is an Associate Professor in Communication Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University.  His research agenda analyzes the transformations of knowledge in the modes of production in the information age.  At Virginia Tech, he was one of the founders of the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture and a 2006 Scholar Fellow. He attended the Oxford Internet Institute’s 2004 Summer Doctoral Programme and was an instructor there in 2009 and 2011. He was Graduate Fellow of the NSF Workshop on Values in Information Systems Design in 2005 and 2010. He was an Ethics Fellow at the Center for Information Policy Research at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee in 2007-2010. He was co-editor of the journal Learning Inquiry and has published in FastCapitalism, The Information Society, Social Epistemology and other leading academic journals. He recently also co-edited a special issue on Hackerspaces for New Media & Society.  Currently he is working on projects about virtual reality, cyberinfrastructure careers, internet research, video games, and hackerspaces, as befitting the title of he not oft-updated blog, too many topics, too little time.

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