FT.com / Comment & analysis / Columnists – A closed mind about an open world

FT.com / Comment & analysis / Columnists – A closed mind about an open world:
Studying intellectual property and the internet has convinced me that we have another cognitive bias. Call it the openness aversion. We are likely to undervalue the importance, viability and productive power of open systems, open networks and non-proprietary production. Test yourself on the following questions. In each case, it is 1991 and I have removed from you all knowledge of the past 15 years.


I agree there is an aversion to openness, and i think this is very problematic. when professors and scientists won’t share data because they are afraid of competition, you have a real problem with innovation, that you might have to make a law to make people share is utterly surprising. openness and sharing are being overwritten by other values and those values are not market values, but anti-market, monopoly capital values. However, this was predicted by Simmel, so….