Category: Higher Education

G8-UNESCO World Forum on 'Education, Research and Innovation: New Partnership for Sustainable Development' G8-UNESCO World Forum on 'Education, Research and Innovation: New Partnership for Sustainable Development' — G8 Forum

G8-UNESCO World Forum on ‘Education, Research and Innovation: New Partnership for Sustainable Development’ G8-UNESCO World Forum on ‘Education, Research and Innovation: New Partnership for Sustainable Development’ Trieste, Italy, 10-12 May 2007 The Forum builds on the discussion launched at the St. Petersburg summit on the interconnections between the three components of the triangle of knowledge—education, […]

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Student Loan… Bleh

One thing that I managed to do recently was finally pay off my smallest student loan, that was a minor accomplishment, it was a perkins loan through virginia tech. I consolidated my other student loans through the ford program a few years ago to lower my student loan interest. The amount of pressure that student […]

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Online Education Database – Accredited Online Colleges and Universities | OEDb

Online Education Database – Accredited Online Colleges and Universities | OEDb: Welcome to the Online Education Database. OEDb currently contains reviews of 620 programs from 57 accredited online colleges. Unlike other leading online education directories, our database only lists accredited online colleges so that you can be sure that these degrees will be respected by […]

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OpinionJournal – Extra

OpinionJournal – Extra: The university system has also become efficient in shipping large numbers of the most talented high-school graduates to the most prestigious schools. The allocation of this human capital can be criticized–it would probably be better for the nation if more of the gifted went into the sciences and fewer into the law. […]

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OpinionJournal – Extra

OpinionJournal – Extra: While concepts such as “emotional intelligence” and “multiple intelligences” have their uses, a century of psychometric evidence has been augmented over the last decade by a growing body of neuroscientific evidence. Like it or not, g exists, is grounded in the architecture and neural functioning of the brain, and is the raw […]

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Our Cultural Commonwealth: The final report of the American Council of Learned Societies Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities & Social Sciences

The ACLS is pleased to announce that “Our Cultural Commonwealth: The final report of the American Council of Learned Societies Commission on Cyberinfrastructure for the Humanities & Social Sciences” was released December 13, 2006. In 2004, ACLS appointed the Commission and charged it to recommend how the humanities and social sciences could develop online research […]

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Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It?: Few young people will be able to independently assess the value in advance and counter the societal and parental pressures which push them to attend college at any price. It’s imperative those with influence over young people make an unemotional analysis prior to college and point them to an appropriate path. […]

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Cyborg citizens and digital natives

Cyborg citizens and digital natives: Patrik Hernwall discussed the notion of Educology, and how, within this framework, the learning subject can be defined. Building on theories of constructivist learning, he suggested that the learning subject should be viewed as an active, intentional, meaningmaking subject in context. An important part of the context is the tools […]

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nyt: chinese and american learning of math and science or… how how policy documents legitimize regimes to the NYT articles and letters above…. I respond thusly: I tend to agree more with the Letters, than with the nyt article and even less so with the report. I think we have to be very careful about accounting for the cultural institutionalization of learning in China and the U.S. We […]

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Economic Pluralism for the 21st Century

far too many groups in the fields that i work with accept the singular account of economics…. so i’m distributing this. —- “Economic Pluralism for the 21st Century” June 1-3, 2007 University of Utah (Salt Lake City, Utah, USA) In the second half of the 20th century, neoclassical economics and its derivatives came to dominate […]

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