Dangerous Intersection » Blog Archive » Gentle “Miranda Warning” cards for religious moderates

Dangerous Intersection » Blog Archive » Gentle “Miranda Warning” cards for religious moderates:
–Gentle Reminder to a Theist Acquaintance–

You have publicly made a religious claim that is vague or has no trustworthy basis in fact. If I had remained silent, you might have erroneously assumed that I agreed with you. Because I value our relationship, though, I am hereby taking this moment to advise you of my disagreement. I am handing you this card to remind you of my beliefs:

* There are no invisible sentient beings such as Gods, spirits and ghosts.
* When people die, they are completely dead. They don’t “go” anywhere.
* The ancient religious scripture on which you rely is untrustworthy because it is vague, self-contradictory and historically unsupported.
* To best understand life one should employ a naturalistic worldview free of supernatural elements.
* There are many important things about life that humans simply don’t know and it is important to acknowledge our ignorance.
* I judge morality entirely on whether people demonstrate kindness to one another, not on religious beliefs.


Just a light little guide for those who are less interested in concern for others than they might be.