Studies in Language and Capitalism

the first issue of SLC is now online!

We’d like to thank the authors of the articles for submitting their work (and also for their patience), as well as others on the list who have supported the journal either through reviewing our submissions or assisting on the editorial board.
The contents of the first issue are:

Marnie Holborow Putting the social back into language : Marx, Volosinov and Vygotsky re-examined
Robert de Beaugrande Critical Discourse Analysis: History, Ideology, Methodology
Phil Graham ‘Capitalism’ as False Consciousness
Panayota Gounari Reclaiming the Language of Possibility: Beyond the Cynicism of Neoliberalism.
Carmen Luke Eduscapes: Knowledge Capital and Cultures
Peter Ives ‘Global English’: Linguistic Imperialism or Practical Lingua Franca?
Adrian Blackledge ‘The men say “They don’t need it”’. Gender and the extension of language testing for British citizenship.
Richard Jackson Genealogy, Ideology, and Counter-Terrorism: Writing Wars on Terrorism from Ronald Reagan to George W. Bush Jr.

We are very happy with the quality and breadth of work in this first issue, and we hope you think the same. Each article can be downloaded separately, or you can also download the complete issue as a single pdf file.