Individual Profs and teaching with the Web
Individual Profs and teaching with the Web:
Outside of courseware packages there are the bloggers/wikis/post nukers’ and probably a few others. Here’s a quick list of the profs I know/watch/read who use social software as teaching tools:
Likely many others can be identified through Alex’s list of ScholarsWhoblog What I think is an essential issue to chosing your teaching spaces is just how much interactivity you want/need the students to have. Will they be doing reflective journaling online? Do you want them to comment on each other’s work? Will they need to do online collaboration? Are you students living in the same dorm together or are they spread out over a large metropolis area and unlikely to meet f2f? Taking all this into account, I keep coming back again & again to blogging and wikis. Is it just because that’s all I know, or is it because it works over and over?
this must be only the set that she knows in person.