Tue, 17 Feb 2004 00:17:21 GMT
Exemplary self-archiving policy at QUT. Only this week did I learn about the exemplary self-archiving policy at Queensland University of Technology. It was adopted last September, but took effect on January 1, 2004.
Material which represents the total publicly available research and scholarly output of the University is to be located in the University's digital or 'E-print' repository, subject to the exclusions noted. In this way it contributes to a growing international corpus of refereed and other research literature available on line, a process occurring in universities worldwide.
The following materials are to be included:
- refereed research articles and contributions at the post-print stage (subject to any necessary agreement with the publisher);
- refereed research literature at the pre-printed stage (with corrigenda added subsequently if necessary at the discretion of the author);
- theses (as prepared for the Australian Digital Theses (ADT) process);
- un-refereed research literature, conference contributions, chapters in proceedings, etc. […]
Material to be commercialised, or which contains confidential material, or of which the promulgation would infringe a legal commitment by the University and/or the author, should not be included in the repository.
(Thanks to Carolyn Young.) [Open Access News]
I like this policy, i sent it on. self-archiving is important……