Mon, 26 Jan 2004 02:22:37 GMT
New issue of Science & Technology Libraries. The new issue of Science & Technology Libraries (vol. 22, no. 3/4) is now online. Many of its articles are OA-related. Only the TOC and abstracts are free online.
- Paul Ginsparg, Can Peer Review Be Better Focused?
- Michel R. Dagenais, The Future of Scientific and Technical Journals
- Catherine B. Soehner, The eScholarship Repository: A University of California Response to the Scholarly Communication Crisis
- Kimberly Douglas, Conference Proceedings at Publishing Crossroads
- Susan Hall, Electronic Theses and Dissertations: Enhancing Scholarly Communication and Graduate Student Experience
- Dana L. Roth, Chemistry Journals: Cost Effectiveness, Seminal Titles and Exchange Rate Profiteering
- John Cruickshank, The Role of Scientific Literature in Electronic Scholarly Communication
- Kate Thomas, Scholarly Communication in Flux: Entrenchment and Opportunity
- Janet A. Hughes, Issues and Concerns with the Archiving of Electronic Journals
- David Stern, User Expectations and the Complex Reality of Online Research Efforts
- Locke J. Morrisey, Bibliometric and Bibliographic Analsis in an Era of Electronic Scholarly Communication
- Gerry McKiernan, Scholar-Based Initiatives in Publishing