Tue, 13 Jan 2004 16:09:04 GMT

Got a science-y person in your life? Can't figure out a good gift? If you're willing to spend a bit (ie: the person is family, best friend, or partner) I'd highly recommend a subscription to New Scientist (www.newscientist.com). Sharp, challenging, endlessly interesting, and with good broad appeal to anyone who likes science, technology, and science issues. I finally got a subscription myself and must say it's one of the best purchases I've made this year. It's a weekly so it's always fresh news. [[ t e c h n o c u l t u r e ]]


I have to agree with this, NewScientist is one of my favorite reads of late. they give you the lowdown on what's happening in the front, and then give you nice articles in the back, then behind that i like the call the 'gossip section' also known as who else is trying to hire the scientists that you are trying to hire, thejob advertisement. which much like the job advertisements in the economist can be very enlightening if you are in certain circles or at least following certain circles.