Tue, 09 Sep 2003 19:59:15 GMT
The Microsoft mental framework, i.e. The Microsoft 'box'. Study: Windows Can Be Cheaper to Use Than Linux: “SEATTLE (Reuters) – Developing Windows-based applications is easier and cheaper than making Linux (news – web sites)-based applications, according to a study paid for by Microsoft Corp. (Nasdaq:MSFT – news) and released on Monday.” “The study compared applications built to run over the Internet on Microsoft's .NET platform to applications developed with J2EE, a development platform backed by Sun Microsystems Inc. (Nasdaq:SUNW – news) favored by the Linux community.” While the above study appears to have revealed that developing with .NET might be cheaper than J2EE, there does not seem to be any relevance to software development in general. Further, if indeed it is true that developing relevant applications with .NET is cheaper than developing them with J2EE, one can easily assume that Microsoft spent more money in designing the study such that it report on those aspects that Microsoft 'strategy' is cheaper. I don't think anyone doubts that some Microsoft software might be better than other software. However, if this was meant to be a PR statement, it is a very poor one indeed. Hey Microsoft, people out there think outside of the Microsoft 'box'…. [infosophy: socio-technological rendering of information]