Mon, 07 Jul 2003 16:21:30 GMT
Special Issue of Post Identity: Submissions Due ASAP. This call for papers comes by way of Purse Lip Square Jaw:
The theme for our Winter 2003 special issue is “Identifying New Media.” We are looking for submissions that theorize how new media forms (DVDs; e-books; Internet blogs, digital archives, interactive gaming; etc.) are changing cultural and academic understandings of identity and authorship, and/or how new media might provide models for new forms of scholarship. We especially are interested in experimental work that performs its theory, such as essays or projects that offer alternative models to the standard academic essay. We are interested in the relationship between the form and content of academic discourse, and the ways in which this discourse might evolve in light of the new media scene. [Kairosnews – A Weblog for Discussing Rhetoric, Technology and Pedagogy]
This is an interesting cfp, i wish i had time to do something with it.