Sat, 28 Jun 2003 22:10:14 GMT

Expanding Access to Learning: The Role of Virtual Universities.

Hot off the presses, a new monograph from the PEW Symposia in Learning and Technology. The monograph “assesses the current state of statewide virtual university initiatives, discusses five critical success factors derived from that assessment, and offers an alternative strategy to the predominant collaborative model that can improve current practice.”

For those of us involved in virtual university/consortia projects, this is essential reading. While I think there are real differences in the US and Canadian contexts that effect these issues, there are enough similarities that we need to pay real attention to the lessons being learned south of the border. – SWL


well, i've been pushing for disciplinary collaboration through online education, instead of remaking the bricks and mortar online, why not remake the society online…? a nice distributed university.