Tue, 14 Jan 2003 22:47:57 GMT
John Palfrey Is A Blogger
Don't you just love all the new bloggers coming online? John's part of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard and is up and running on his blog. He's a great guy, so stop by and say hello. Watch his blogroll grow ….
Today he asks about whether blogs will help create more community at Harvard. I say yes, yes, yes and about time. At the excellent conference he and his colleagues threw in November, Digital ID @ Harvard, we all kept being stunned by how many terrific people were there from a wide range of departments at Harvard — and here's the bad part — and that we really didn't know one another.
The event let us see up close that the potential for community-building here at Harvard was gigantic and at that point, was NOT being exploited. All that was lacking was the leadership. With John getting Dave Winer on board over there, I think John Palfrey and his co-director, Charles Nesson will lead a little revolution in that respect. Bravo! [Halley's Comment]
someone has to blog, glad its not me….