Category: Software and Culture

Google comfort button : 'The infamous "I…

Google comfort button : ‘The infamous “I…: Google comfort button: ‘The infamous “I feel lucky” is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.’ [via] This is very interesting…. it seems to me to be […]

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Google comfort button : ‘The infamous “I…

Google comfort button : ‘The infamous “I…: Google comfort button: ‘The infamous “I feel lucky” is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.’ [via] This is very interesting…. it seems to me to be […]

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:::: open ::::: The Digital Artisans Manifesto

:::: open ::::: The Digital Artisans Manifesto: “We are not the passive victims of uncontrollable market forces and technological changes. Without our daily work, there would be no goods or services to trade. Without our animating presence, information technologies would just be inert metal, plastic and silicon. Nothing can happen inside cyberspace without our creative […]

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new toys!

Something for the Text Fan…: “‘NanoBlogger is a small weblog engine written in Bash for the command line. It uses common UNIX tools such as cat, grep and sed.’…” (Via Words – big ones and little ones….)

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Cost of Cyberliving

Cost of Cyberliving: “Internet surfers in many countries have to spend as much as a day’s earning for an hour in a cybercafe. This page provides a map and table of Internet surfing rates at Internet cafes and the percentage of people living on $1 per day in 26 nations. Dated July/August 2004, published by […]

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Hypertext 3.0

Hypertext 3.0: “I just heard the good news that Johns Hopkins Press will be publishing George Landow’s Hypertext 3.0 next year. V“ (Via Mark Bernstein.) —- cool

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Bureaucracy: ” This is the geek story of the day. At work, we are going to have a giant videoconference (think nationwide) and we need a registration form for all the sites. Simple enough. Well, we axed most of our programmers because the big IT guys for agriculture didn’t like a department having their own […]

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Universal Free Dictionary

Universal Free Dictionary: “Zdenek Broz writes “The all free dictionaries project focuses on maintaining free dictionaries (now more than 90 with more than 3,300,000 translations). We are designing a new system which will unite them all into one universal dictionary for all languages. The universal dictionary will be soon available for free under GPL.”” (Via […]

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Netcraft: SCO "own all your code"

Netcraft: SCO “own all your code”: “” (Via .) —– it would be better, of course, if this wasn’t their position…..

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Netcraft: SCO “own all your code”

Netcraft: SCO “own all your code”: “” (Via .) —– it would be better, of course, if this wasn’t their position…..

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