Category: Computer and Video Games

Call: closed systems / open worlds

Closed Systems / Open Worlds Edited by: Jeremy Hunsinger (Wilfrid Laurier University), Jason Nolan (Ryerson University) & Melanie McBride (York University) This book will consist of explorations at the boundaries of virtual worlds as enclosed but encouraging spaces for exploration, learning, and enculturation. Game/worlds like Second Life, OpenSim, Minecraft, and Cloud Party are providing spaces […]

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event of interest at Ryerson: Second life

The Infoscape Research Lab is pleased to welcome a lecture by Jeremy Hunsinger, Virginia Tech ‘Exploring Science in Second Life through the Interplay of Information and Interactivity’ Mar 10, 1pm Rogers Communication Centre 329 Science in Second Life operates through the modeling and interacting with virtual objects. These objects are primarily visual constructs represented […]

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“Down the Rabbit Hole” day

This dissociation of cultural subject and cultural production problematizes much of the scholarship being done in virtual worlds which depends on the assumptions that subject/s create or exist in relation to objects, but in the messiness of programmable systems, the mixing of subjects/objects into quasi-subjects, quasi-objects, and the pluralization of the relationship between a persons interface and their ‘avatar’, causes one to be immediately skeptical of the reported experiences of people acting through their interfaces in the virtual world. … In short, when exploring culture in virtual worlds, we need to take care in our methodological choices and their assumptions for even the most basic assumptions such as, “my student in my virtual classroom had the same experience as my other students” is likely to be false in ways that are profoundly different than the ways it may be false in a f2f classroom.

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CFP: Learning in Virtual Worlds

CALL FOR PAPERS special issue of Learning, Media and Technology issue theme: Learning in Virtual Worlds Edited by Jeremy Hunsinger and Aleks Krotoski Virtual worlds are learning worlds. There is substantial evidence that people learn in virtual worlds. While most learning in these spaces is informal, existing outside the school curriculum, formalised learning environments have […]

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Designing for learning in Virtual Worlds

Designing for learning in Virtual Worlds Designing for learning in Virtual Worlds | Virtual Worlds Research Project Seminar at Roskilde University Department of Communication, Business and Information Technologies Monday, October 13, 2008, 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Room 43-2.29 ——— This is my first event in Denmark this year, but not my last:) Jeremy

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Workshop on Humanities Applications for World Community Grid

IBM Presents: A Workshop on Humanities Applications for World Community Grid On October 6, 2008, IBM will be sponsoring a free one-day workshop in Washington, DC on high performance computing for humanities and social science research. This workshop is aimed at digital humanities scholars, computer scientists working on humanities applications, library information professionals, and others […]

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Fellowship and Conference

Since Tuesday I have been in Milwaukee visiting SOIS and CIPR as part of my Information Ethics fellowship. I attended a discussion about a possible future conference on translating intercultural information ethics across the situated understandings that term implies across a plurality of contexts. That seems like a great project, I’m happy to help out […]

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Congressman Mark Steven Kirk and Friends are Ignorant about Second Life (R)

Mark Kirk today joined with local parents, teachers and law enforcement to call for federal action to protect kids from child predators and registered sex offenders on “Second Life” [From Congressman Mark Steven Kirk – 10th District of Illinois] —- The headline should be Representative Mark Kirk is Ignorant and encouraging regulation based on ignorance. […]

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CFP: Learning and Research in Second Life® Oct. 15 Copenhagen @ IR 9.0

Call for Papers/Participation Please join us in a workshop on learning and research in Second Life(R) on October 16, 2008 in Copenhagen at Internet Research 9.0 ( ) Paper Deadline June 15th. Second Life is a 3d virtual environment created by Linden Lab (R) which has captured the attention of researchers and teachers from around […]

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things progress in second life

After spending 1/2 hour or so this afternoon discussing his projects and ideas with Hackshaven of NOAA, I went downtown and met with Suzanne Seggerman of Games for change to talk about having some games for change in Second Life. She was in town because there was a Macarthur event. Rik showed up a little […]

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