The Blog | Max Blumenthal: Sen. John Cornyn Meets the Racist Right | The Huffington Post

The Blog | Max Blumenthal: Sen. John Cornyn Meets the Racist Right | The Huffington Post:
On Tuesday, September 18, inside the Dirksen Senate Office building, Republican Texas Senator and Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Citizenship Chairman John Cornyn spoke at a conference entitled, “Defending the Homeland: America’s Immigration Crisis.” The conference was organized by the Rockford Institute, publisher of Chronicles Magazine, and was moderated by its president, Thomas Fleming.


is it just me… or do people find it extremely problematic when politicians support racism? i mean… didn’t racism go out with the advent of modern biological sciences? geeze, this guy needs to be booted from the senate for not supporting the constitution, discrimination clause… in the first place, and second.. for stupidity that has led to chronic ignorance.