Fortnightly Mailing: Personal Learning Environments make a step forward. Guest Contribution from Mark van Harmelen.

Fortnightly Mailing: Personal Learning Environments make a step forward. Guest Contribution from Mark van Harmelen.:
The UK is increasingly focusing on the development of Personal Learning Environments (PLEs) after a slow start that began with client systems such as Colloquia (2000) and the Manchester PLE/VLE Framework (2004). This week saw a two-day meeting (on 6 and 7 June) organised by CETIS and held in Manchester. The meeting comprised an initial ‘experts’ only day, and a second public day.

What became apparent at the workshop is that the name PLE now encompasses two major flavours of architecture:

Personal Learning Environments? I think they are a wave of the present. Every person is actually a learning ecology, their environmental ecology, their social ecology and their mental ecology all rely on the processes of learning through the life of the individual in question. so perhaps a better word would be individualized learning environments….