Thu, 30 Sep 2004 20:25:07 GMT

Carrying Iraq on Your Back.

There are 281 Million Americans Annual household (family) income in the US: $42,090 Average working individual's income in the US: $21,239 Economic Census, Housing and Household Economic Data, Sep 2003 Cost of War in Iraq to date: $137 billion The National Priorities Project Cost of Iraq War Per Week: $1B USA Today article abstracting CBO and GAO numbers How much does a billion dollars weigh? 1,000 lb (In $20 bills) 200 lb in 100 bills Factmonster: How much does a million dollars weigh? At the current rate of spending, the Iraq war will have spent $1B for every American man, woman, and child, on February 16, 2007 if it has not been “downsized” or concluded. Look around you on the train in the morning, or …

[Learning The Lessons of Nixon – emphasis added]

[A blog doesn't need a clever name]

At the current rate of spending, the Iraq war will have spent $1B for every American man, woman, and child, on February 16, 2007 if it has not been ãdownsizedä or concluded.


wow, wow…..