Fri, 12 Dec 2003 18:51:52 GMT
Titbits from WSIS side events.
ICT4D Forum – UNDP/The Smithsonian Institute/SDC/GKP:Internet Governance, WTO and Electronic Trade
Among the issues discussed was the problem of meaningful participation by developing countries in the WTO telecommunications services negotiations. Developing countries in particular suffer from a lack of skilled negotiators on the issue, institutional weaknesses, and often a lack of material resources to attend frequent negotiations. These countries also are hindered in the negotiating process by strong entrenched interests that include typically large state owned telecom monopolies. In order to increase the level of meaningful participation of developing countries in the global trade process, the forum urged greater support for these countries in the form of technical assistance, such as that given through the WTO Technical Co-operation Programme and UNCTAD.
Have your photo taken with the first World Wide Web Server: Visitors to the CERN stand at Palexpo can have their pictures taken with the computer on which Tim Berners-Lee invented the web!