things progress in second life

After spending 1/2 hour or so this afternoon discussing his projects and ideas with Hackshaven of NOAA, I went downtown and met with Suzanne Seggerman of Games for change to talk about having some games for change in Second Life. She was in town because there was a Macarthur event. Rik showed up a little later, he seems to be getting on very well at global kids. I met a few other of the people associated with various projects and we came up with some good concepts for second life projects for games for change. It was a good time, I like hanging out with the macfound folks.

After that I came home and ran into Joi on IM and we chatted about Kula, CC, Icommons and Larry’s possible congressional bid. Joi said Mimi had asked about me, so i dropped her an email to see what’s up. While i was talking to Joi, Bryan Campen said hi on im, good to see he survived the days illness.

Similarly, i was talking with my fiance most of this time. Though, in parallel, i was also talking to my friend merentha in sl, she was taking photos and playing with windlight. so expect more buridan simon photos to randomly appear on the intarweb.

Other things in that regard, I submitted a panel proposal to internet research 9.0 on Science in Virtual worlds. My paper looks at the indices of interaction and information in virtual worlds as education environments. Other people from OII, FSU, and Ryerson also submitted.

I’m working with Aleks Krotoski on the proposal for a journal special issue on second life and I’m working with Aaron Delwiche on a separate publishing project related to second life. There is another one that includes Tracy, but that is farther out.

Linden Lab is sponsoring the second Preconference workshop on Learning and Research in Second Life at Internet Research 9.0. That CFP should be out by the end of the month.

oh i’m also going to WORKSHOP ON EMERGING NORMS, LAW AND ETHICS IN VIRTUAL WORLDS co-organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American Bar Association (ABA) Section of Science & Technology Law, and The Center for the Study of Law, Science and Technology at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law (Arizona State University) on march 10 @ ASU. It is invite only and I’m glad i was invited as it is right up my alley.

The final things going on in second life for me is Lessons in Second Life, which I think is going to hit 20 meetings next week or perhaps last week. It is a weekly get together on the topic of ‘learning’ in second life. Usually 5 to 20 avatars show up and we discuss anything they want in an open table format.

I was working on an ‘ethnographers in second life event’, but it looks like that is not going to occur this semester.