Seed: Girl Shortage Could Cause Rise in Crime
Seed: Girl Shortage Could Cause Rise in Crime:
The authors assert that over the next 20 years, in parts of China and India, there will be a 12 to 15 percent excess of young menâ€â€men who will have to remain single in societies that also place a high value on marriage. Because women will be able to select high status males to marry, the men who remain single are most likely to be members of the lower classes or those who are otherwise undesirable.
These unmarried, low-status males are the people most likely to be perpetrators of violent crime, the authors suggest. Previous research has shown a strong correlation between sex ratio and violence.
the lumpenproletariot will lead the revolution? to what… we’ve seen this demographic shift in the past, and yes, two factors increase in male youth and unmarried males both contribute significantly to crime rate… what we’ve not seen is this sort of ‘scale’ of problem.