History Made Today: Electors From Five States Call For A Congressional Investigation Of Voting Violations During November 2 Election

History Made Today: Electors From Five States Call For A Congressional Investigation Of Voting Violations During November 2 Election: “

Electors speaking out like this is absolutely unprecedented.

Electors from five different states are saying the system sucks, and they don’t feel good about casting their electoral votes at this time.


Electors Call for National Voting Reforms

By Greg Guma for The Vermont Guardian.

In California, one elector cast his ballot provisional upon ‘all votes being counted – provisional, absentee, under- and over-votes, computerized without paper ballots, even getting valid votes from those turned away illegally, intimidated, discouraged by incredibly long waits, etc.’

This is an attempt to get the message read on the floor of Congress prior to certification on Jan. 6, when the ballots are opened.

‘Never has such a vote been cast by an elector,’ said Grace Ross, an organizer of the national effort to support electors to take action, and a member of Truth in Elections. ‘And without a parliamentarian to rule it in or out at the Electoral College level, we await whether Congress will acknowledge this type of provisional vote and address the issues this elector sought to raise, or whether they, too, will ignore provisional votes.’

In North Carolina, Democratic electors and activists talked about local problems while Republicans voted inside. Elector Mary Roe mentioned problems she witnessed as an election observer in her own county. State officials admit that 4,500 votes disappeared in a computerized voting machine crash.

(Via On Lisa Rein’s Radar.)


yep, count the votes people… disenfranchinsing people is wrong and unamerican.