nice links from plsq

Today I am. 1. Re-reading Eric Laurier and Chris Philo 's X-morphising: review essay of Bruno Latour‰¥ús “Aramis, or the Love of Technology”. Excellent stuff.

2. Reading Susan Newman's Here, There, and Nowhere At All: Distribution, negotiation, and virtuality in postmodern ethnography and engineering – found via Lucy Suchman's brilliant Sociality of Information Technologies course at Lancaster.

3. Going out for dinner with the fascinating fabulous Joey Berzowska – who will be lecturing on Wearable Technology and Soft Computation at the NRC tomorrow morning.

Also looking forward to meeting speaking more with Steve Marsh – who leads the Socially Adept Technology and Advanced Collaborative Environments research programmes at the NRC-IIT.

More later. [Purse Lip Square Jaw]


just logging these for research