Mon, 03 Nov 2003 12:52:49 GMT
“In teaching research writing, I begin with a bibliographic essay – a narratio of the chain of thought that a student must later insert their critique. I require that they avoid having a thesis until they understand the evidence. Then, as a thesis emerges into an argumentative paper, they must attract the attention of an audience (exordium), provide a logically consistent argument (argumentio), anticipate counter-arguments (refutatio), and suggest a course of action based on their thesis and the evidence. Writing first works to change ourselves, then it works to change others.”(this Public Address > Pragmatic and Semantic Structures)
:: note :: . . . a wonderful clear statement . . .too many students suffer under pre-ordained structure . . . this emerging thesis is the work of creative energy . . . ['if' ..]
this is useful, i'll have to remember it when i restrucure my courses.