Sun, 29 Jun 2003 19:39:34 GMT

Government Addresses Librarian Shortage. Laura Bush Addresses Nation's Critical Shortage of Librarians: $10 Million to Recruit New LibrariansLast night Laura Bush announced a proposed $10 million initiative for 2003 to recruit a new generation of librarians. The initiative will be managed by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.Of course, this is proposed initiative. I wish the article gave some sense of how likely it is that the proposed initiative will become an actual initiative, or what has to… [Infomusings Blog]

Honestly, I don't think this will help. Librarians are suffering the same fate, except at the highest levels, as k-16 educators, bad pay. so people sign up to be librarians or educators, stay in a few years pay of their loans, and many leave to pursue other careers.