Mon, 07 Apr 2003 22:34:12 GMT
Sun Certified System Administrator. 3 Apr 2003: Unix Review tells us about the Sun Certified System Administrator.”This month, I will focus on the Sun Certified System Administrator, Part I exam for Solaris 9 (exam CX-310-014). This exam consists of 57 multiple-choice, drag-and-drop, and free response questions that must be answered within 105 minutes, with 64% or more correct to pass. A complete list of the exam objectives can be found here. In this article, the focus will be on what topics you need to know, and where you can find more [ — Nothing but Unix]]]
well, i should get this, and then i could teach this sort of thing, cause i do it everyday anyway, solaris9 is pretty simple comparably to early solaris versions, but overall it is still somewhat more complicated than the bsd versions.