Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:53:17 GMT
New Ways of Publishing Science. There is an ongoing discussion dealing with new modalities of scientific publishing. This is one of those areas that will greatly change in the next few years. Scientific authors want as many people as possible to read their work. They do not need remuneration for writing. They get support from their institutions. Journals can potentially publish as many reputable papers as their servers can store, reducing the ability of some publishers to restrict the number of papers, thus permitting them to charge huge subscription fees. BioMedCentral is working on many aspects of these new paradigms. With its open access journals, the Faculty of 1000 filtering system and the customizability of My BioMedCentral suggest new ways to publish new scientific information, while retaining necessary filtering and peer review abilities. Excuse me now. There are several interesting articles that have shown up in my own 'My BioMedCentral.' [A Man with a Ph.D. – Richard Gayle's Weblog]
This set of links are very interesting, especially the new modalities link which has a response to one of Peter Suber's articles that is in my opinion the right position to take…