I’ll be going to Kassel in June, originally i had planned to go Glasgow(triple helix) to Kassel (Interpretive Policy Analysis) to Cologne (E-social science), Glasgow and Cologne accepted my papers as posters, which I don’t like, though I can see why someone might do that. So I’m bowing out of those conferences, I’m not a […]
Read MoreJamie’s Ministry of Food, the celebrity chef’s new TV series, is a powerful portrait of the socially excluded. It also reveals an enduring truth, says Felicity Lawrence: our diet today is as much about class as it always has been – and it will take more than a one-man mission to change that [From Felicity […]
Read MoreI have to say, that if you vote for the bail-out, I am not voting for you anymore. This bail-out benefits the wealthy in the short term and supposedly supports the rest of us long term, but that’s a fiction. This is Enron 2.0. We can support the rest of use in the long term […]
Read MoreQueenRania [From YouTube – QueenRania’s Channel] ——– this is a brilliant use of youtube!
Read Moremore kiki and bubu i didn’t know there are 4 of these now.
Read MoreResearchers across a variety of disciplines including economics, sociology and psychology have been studying economic mobility for some time. Led by a team of researchers from The Urban Institute, the project has summarized the best-available existing research on various factors that might influence individual and family economic mobility, both within and across generations. [From Economic […]
Read MoreCharles Tilly Tilly chuck tilly Sociology, n-1 —- From the sites that I read…. I’ve read a few of his books. He was an easy and sensible read, very accessible on the surface level. It is hard to find fault with the surface of his texts. I think he will be missed.
Read MoreKnowledge Ecology Studies KE Studies is an online publication that focuses on the creation, dissemination and access to knowledge goods. It is a multidisciplinary journal that draws on a number of specialties: sciences, technologies, public policies, the laws of intellectual property, business, free speech and privacy, telecommunications and other related knowledge disciplines. [From Knowledge Ecology […]
Read More—- this is a great little puppet show about neoliberalism with great social and political theoretical basis. from monochrome
Read More“No practising Muslim woman – doctor, medical student, nurse or patient – should be forced to bare her arms below the elbow,” it said. [From Female Muslim medics ‘disobey hygiene rules’ – Telegraph ] —- personally, i think they have the right to say no, but by not following the rules, I think they should […]
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