Category: Research Methods

Listserves Old and New  This is the list for the book series ‘transdisciplinary studies’ which is seeking scholars interested in discussing transdisciplinary research and book proposals for transdisciplinary research —–  This is a list that began at the Center for Digital Discourse and Culture.  It is dedicated to discussing the relationships between software and culture.  This […]

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nodes, actors and networks

nodes, or actors, or networks. This is a response to jeremy's comments on actor construction? and a response entry (June 30, 2003) in his blog regarding the relationship of actors and networks as used/presented by the actor-network theory and methodology. Jeremy: “i replied to this on his blog too, but ultimately my position is to… […]

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Longer 10 Modes of Skepticism

(i) the opposing perceptions and views of the world which characterize different species: “For how could one say, with regard to touch [for example], that animals are similarly affected whether their surfaces consist of shell, flesh, needles, feathers or scales? And, as regards hearing, how could one say that perceptions are alike in animals with […]

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Quotes about the 10 modes of skepticism

When people search for something, the likely outcome is that either they find it or, not finding it, they accept that it cannot be found, or they continue to search. So also in the case of what is sought in philosophy, I think, some people have claimed to have found the truth, others have asserted […]

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Shorter 10 modes of skepticism

Modes of Skepticism are supposed to force you to suspend judgement because you cannot know or cannot be certain. These are variations on Pyrrhonism: based on the variety in animals; on the differences in human beings; on the different structures of the organs of sense; on the circumstantial conditions; on positions and intervals and locations; […]

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“Down the Rabbit Hole” day

This dissociation of cultural subject and cultural production problematizes much of the scholarship being done in virtual worlds which depends on the assumptions that subject/s create or exist in relation to objects, but in the messiness of programmable systems, the mixing of subjects/objects into quasi-subjects, quasi-objects, and the pluralization of the relationship between a persons interface and their ‘avatar’, causes one to be immediately skeptical of the reported experiences of people acting through their interfaces in the virtual world. … In short, when exploring culture in virtual worlds, we need to take care in our methodological choices and their assumptions for even the most basic assumptions such as, “my student in my virtual classroom had the same experience as my other students” is likely to be false in ways that are profoundly different than the ways it may be false in a f2f classroom.

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Crisis in the meaning of meaning

Crisis in the meaning of meaning: Meaning was the once-natural sequence of being, knowing, interpreting, judging, willing and acting . It is this sequence which no longer operates as it did in earlier times. — Sean has some thoughts that inspired me to respond a bit.

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this is interesting, actor network

What is Actor-Network Theory: various ANT definitions. The possibility of applying the actor-network theory and its methodology to different disciplines and fields of study is evident by the many senses in which it has been used. The What is Actor-Network Theory? site provides various definitions. These and many other colors and flavors of ANT represent […]

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actor network theory is popular today….

i've had two hits from it from Mentor's blog. as some people know, i'm less a proponent of normal actor-network theory, than radical de-objectified actor-network theory, where the nodes are just new networks in which the differences between nodes and networks is the categories of analysis of the flows. nodes are just networks operating in […]

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Fri, 12 Mar 2004 12:46:04 GMT

Theories informing my research [infosophy: socio-technological rendering of information] —— Mentor has a great explanation of actor-network theory here. it is well worth reading.

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